woman, girl, beautiful

Why discriminate if it doesn't profit

Does feminine success irk movie production big shots? Do they feel emasculated? The thought of successful movies starring female leads does not receive much applause. The women’s movies bring in huge returns on investment. Therefore, bias does not add up. So, why does it happen?

Feminine success

Various factors contribute to the discrimination of successful female actors. Mostly, it is about the character flaws of these film experts. Here are a few factors that cause female bigotry in the entertainment industry.

Exaggerated Self-Importance

Professionals male actors feel important and carry themselves with an air of entitlement. They want every success attributed to them. Their interests drive them. In their way, the male actors think that failing to acknowledge that women who are as good as them, or better, will upscale their accomplishment.

Criticizing female gender effort

It is the same way that prejudiced entrepreneurs turn away good customers. Maybe due to their skin color. Or origin. Some people lose business because they are too proud and blinded by their power and achievements.

Failure To Admit a Knowledge Gap

Unfortunately, some of these experts have knowledge gaps, especially in business operation and management. They have the right skillsets and understand their profession quite well. If they fail to acknowledge something good, they are hindered by their traits. If some are doing something better than them, they should acknowledge and learn from them.

Instead, they let a business opportunity pass by. Learning and developing skills will enable them to be the best they want. It takes a lot of work to learn something new. They choose to discriminate against those who are ahead of them in the success curve.

model, girl, woman
woman, portrait, face


Some people are afraid of too much work. They want to do what they know and get done with it. These are people who tick the boxes without putting effort into reading the content they are highlighting. They evaluate something and act as they know, but they are too lazy to get facts.

When you present them with a new idea, say a new hairstyle, they want to do it their way, which is wrong most of the time—for instance, curly hair. Most girls are told that the hair has to be straightened. But in the real sense, the stylists are too lazy to know what needs to be done.

Fear of Change

Discrimination is driven by fear of change. When someone contradicts the norm, he or she is forced to conform to the current standards. If not so, the colleagues ignore them. In many cases, ignorance backfires, leading to losses.

For instance, film directors consider girls having different hairstyles as bad fashion. Stylists insist on straightening the hair. In film production, the professionals do not want to change their perception of women. They want to stick with stereotyping. For example, female actors are given fashion roles or sexual appeal that men will notice.

Associating With Like-Minded People

The film industry measures the beauty of a woman with what they can see. Directors overlook females who do not meet the high standard of attractive physical appearance, regardless of their underlying talents. The film producers are afraid that some individuals with open minds might notice this weakness.

However, they overlook people who are intelligent and pick individuals who think like them. They create their circle where they feel secure, a group of people who are lazy and self-centered. They justify their decision by sharing the same opinion. Their greed holds them back, and they forget to grow their revenue streams. They work hard to keep what they have.

Short Minded

The bigshots in filmmaking already have a profitable business; they are not keen to change working for them. They are in a good place, and they feel successful. If something threatens their success, they will ignore it and let it die a natural death.

Writing about the female gender brings in new ideas. They ignore this opportunity even though they know they can make more profit.

woman, girl, crouching

Stereotyping the Female Gender

Some of the film experts believe that ladies are to be seen and not heard. This perception explains why female writers are very few. Even though some men try to write about ladies, the story does not show as strongly as when a female scriptwriter tells it.

Beauty defines girls acceptance

Male directors have limited knowledge of female actors; thus, they only assign them roles that are traditionally associated with the female gender, such as cooking, nursing, and childcare.

There are tons of reasons why some business people discriminate even though it does not increase their profit. They believe in what they are doing. Even though it is wrong, they are too engrossed in self-interests to consider others. They are afraid of change, too lazy to learn, and their choices are based on their ego.

Anything different repels them. Girls have a long way to go if they will overcome gender and stereotyping unfairness. They have to keep doing what they can even when the odds are stacked against them. Discrimination takes time to conquer, and the filmmakers have deeply infiltrated the entertainment industry with misperceptions regarding female ideologies.

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